1. 什么是失眠
- 景观很累但难以入睡
- 晚上频繁醒过来
- 醒后难以入睡
- 依靠药物或酒精入睡
- 醒的太早
- 白天疲劳想睡易怒
- 白天难以集中精神
2. 失眠的原因
- 焦虑、压力过大、沮丧
- 药物问题:某些药物会影响睡眠
- 疾病:某些疾病影响睡眠
- 失眠失调:可能是其他睡眠问题引起失眠,比如:睡眠窒息、
- 生活习惯:包括
- 睡前喝了太多咖啡
- 不规律的作息时间
- 午睡
- 睡前吃了太多(含糖)食物
- 没有足够的锻炼或者过度锻炼
- 死循环:晚上没睡好——白天困——用不健康的方式补觉——晚上睡不着
3. 应对之策
- 只在卧室睡觉和sex,让大脑形成习惯
- 把钟表移除到视线以外,以免因为看到半夜两点还没睡着而产生焦虑
- 睡不着时下床:睡不着时在床上折腾只会让你更睡不着,还不如下床走走一走
Self-defeating thought: | Sleep-promoting comeback: |
Unrealistic expectations: I should be able to sleep well every night like a normal person. I shouldn’t have a problem! | Lots of people struggle with sleep from time to time. I will be able to sleep with practice. |
Exaggeration: It’s the same every single night, another night of sleepless misery. | Not every night is the same. Some nights I do sleep better than others. |
Catastrophizing: If I don’t get some sleep, I’ll tank my presentation and jeopardize my job. | I can get through the presentation even if I’m tired. I can still rest and relax tonight, even if I can’t sleep. |
Hopelessness: I’m never going to be able to sleep well. It’s out of my control. | Insomnia can be cured. If I stop worrying so much and focus on positive solutions, I can beat it. |
Fortune telling: It’s going to take me at least an hour to get to sleep tonight. I just know it. | I don’t know what will happen tonight. Maybe I’ll get to sleep quickly if I use the strategies I’ve learned. |
- 清空大脑
- 放松一下,不要挤着睡
- 下床活动一下,做安静的不刺激的活动
- 如果有一个好主意导致睡不着,写下来,推迟睡眠时间;